Original 2010 Rally Team

Original 2010 Rally Team
Elisabeth, Rachel, Jenny & Kerry at Kilcoy

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Only 1.5 days of work to go....

So the numbers are:

- 1.5 days of work left
- 5 more sleeps
- Approximately 115 hours left to go and
- Only about 4,000 kms from start to finish

....until official flag off!

No matter which way you want to put it there's no a lot of time left to go now! Yay!

My personal wishlist for the rally:

- Fingers crossed that the weather is all sunshine and blue skies wherever we are (27 degrees would maybe be a bit too much to expect)
- The car goes great guns and there are no problems either on the rally or after
- We get a good starting position (between 5 and 10 would be great)
- My liver regenerates itself quickly once I get back
- Oh - and that we get another trophy!!! (Although its far more important for us all to finish in one piece)

Really looking forward to it now - have started to collect a great big pile of stuff in my lounge room near the front door, but I have to keep checking every now and again to make sure that the cat hasn't hidden himself inside it hoping to sneak along for the ride.

Speak to you all again soon!

1 comment:

  1. Great to see a keen entrant! All the best Ruby Legends, see you there.
